You can prevent the risk

FASDs are completely preventable. 

The best way to prevent FASDs is to not drink alcohol at all if you’re pregnant, think you’re pregnant, or trying to get pregnant. No amount or type of alcohol has been proven safe to consume during any stage of pregnancy. Even a small amount of alcohol exposure can cause health defects in the baby. 

The risk of rumors

There are lot of opinions about drinking alcohol while pregnant and FASDs, but which ones are true? Let’s debunk some of these myths and have a reality check. 

No amount of alcohol has been proven safe to consume during any stage of pregnancy. In the third trimester, the baby’s brain is still developing, and will continue to develop after birth, so drinking alcohol can still cause major issues. 

There is no safe type of alcohol to consume while pregnant. Any consumption of alcohol, including wine, can cause harm to the baby throughout pregnancy. 

While women who drink frequently increase the chances of their child having FASDs, drinking even a little bit of alcohol can affect the baby’s brain development. 

Symptoms of FASDs do not go away when the child gets older. Brain, neurobehavioral, and physical defects can last throughout adulthood. 

woman and child smiling